Topic: STATIC的问题

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1.STATIC的问题 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: kingmx
Posted on: 2004-09-21 15:13

import com.bruceeckel.simpletest.*;

class Cup {
Cup(int marker) {
System.out.println("Cup(" + marker + ")");
void f(int marker) {
System.out.println("f(" + marker + ")");

class Cups {
static Cup c1;
static Cup c2;
static {
c1 = new Cup(1);
c2 = new Cup(2);
Cups() {

public class ExplicitStatic {
static Test monitor = new Test();
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Inside main()");
Cups.c1.f(99); // (1)
monitor.expect(new String[] {
"Inside main()",
// static Cups x = new Cups(); // (2)
// static Cups y = new Cups(); // (2)
} ///:~

2.Re:STATIC的问题 [Re: kingmx] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: alpacino
Posted on: 2004-09-23 16:03


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