Topic: 昨天86%通过SCWD考试

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1.昨天86%通过SCWD考试 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: nihaoba
Posted on: 2003-01-27 09:40

2003年1月26号,我参加了SCWD的考试。我用的是《JAVA2 WEB开发认证》,SYBEX的中文版。考完了才觉得这本书一般,设计模式方面有好几个没有讲。模拟软件我用的是SCWCD@Whiz、JWebPlus。

2.Re:昨天86%通过SCWD考试 [Re: nihaoba] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ninecrow
Posted on: 2003-02-15 15:44


3.Re:昨天86%通过SCWD考试 [Re: nihaoba] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: wswu188
Posted on: 2003-03-01 23:15

hi nihaoba,
Can you give me a copy of JWebPlus

4.Re:昨天86%通过SCWD考试 [Re: nihaoba] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: shanghai02
Posted on: 2003-03-07 09:53

Would you please upload Jwebplus at this forum? Thank you

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