Topic: 新手求教,拜托了(问题已解决!)(delete folder)

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1.新手求教,拜托了(问题已解决!)(delete folder) Copy to clipboard
Posted by: kudo
Posted on: 2004-08-13 17:11

void delAll(String a)
  File m=new File( a );
  String str[]=m.list();
  if (str.length==0)
    for (int i=0;i<str.length;i++ )
      File n=new File(str[i]);
      if (n.isFile())
      {           n.delete();
      else if (n.isDirectory())

2.Re:新手求教,拜托了(帮我看看哪错了?) [Re: kudo] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: joelwx
Posted on: 2004-08-13 18:12


3.Re:新手求教,拜托了(帮我看看哪错了?) [Re: kudo] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: kudo
Posted on: 2004-08-13 18:27


4.Re:新手求教,拜托了(帮我看看哪错了?) (delete folder) [Re: kudo] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2004-08-13 22:28

Are you using *nix? Are there symbolic links?

I don't know what's wrong, but are you sure that list() returns the absolute paths with
String str[]=m.list();

You may want ot check what str[i] is (poor variable name) and whether
n.delete(); deletes the file.

BTW, I would use listFiles() instead.

5.Re:新手求教,拜托了(帮我看看哪错了?) (delete folder) [Re: kudo] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: kudo
Posted on: 2004-08-13 22:38

you add the symbol (delete folder) to my title?
thank you~I am a newcomer.not so familiar with the function of each class or package~and I am dying for your instructions~
by the way ,I will test your way~thanks~

6.Re:新手求教,拜托了(帮我看看哪错了?) (delete folder) [Re: kudo] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2004-08-13 22:51

Yes, I always try to help to 尽量用准确的文字描述作为标题

I believe you can find many delete folder solution by searching on Google,
let me try keywords: Java delete folder
this one uses listFiles()
you will get more with "delete directory" is sometimes helpful
e30. Deleting a Directory
this one uses list() -- from this example, I believe the problem with your code: File n=new File(str[i]);
str[i] is not an absolute path, try somthing like new File(dir, str[i]));

7.Re:新手求教,拜托了(帮我看看哪错了?) (delete folder) [Re: kudo] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: kudo
Posted on: 2004-08-14 00:30

you are so kind-hearted~my great honor~
I'll try,but it'll be really a tough work to read the pure Eng Doc~
do you always show up every evening?

8.Re:新手求教,拜托了(帮我看看哪错了?) (delete folder) [Re: kudo] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2004-08-14 01:10

There are a lot of good guys in this forum who are willing to help
as long as one has done his/her work (I mean researching on the problem) and phrases a question clearly.

kudo, please don't forget to show us your solution when you're done.
This is a way to help others as well.Smile

9.Re:新手求教,拜托了(问题已解决!) (delete folder) [Re: kudo] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: kudo
Posted on: 2004-08-15 13:51

  void delAll(String a)
    File m=new File( a );
    String str[]=m.list();
    if (str==null)
      for (int i=0;i<str.length;i++ )
        File n=new File(m.getAbsolutePath(),str[i]);
        if (n.isFile())
        else if (n.isDirectory())


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