Topic: 如何屏蔽HTTPS Warning对话框

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1.如何屏蔽HTTPS Warning对话框 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: breezehou
Posted on: 2004-07-29 08:55


2.Re:如何屏蔽HTTPS Warning对话框 [Re: breezehou] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: floater
Posted on: 2004-07-29 10:21

What's the message inside? Are you using a browser?

3.Re:如何屏蔽HTTPS Warning对话框 [Re: breezehou] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: breezehou
Posted on: 2004-07-29 10:27

对,用applet把文件下载到本地,程序中有对本地文件操作的代码。提示:Do you want to process?

4.Re:如何屏蔽HTTPS Warning对话框 [Re: breezehou] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: floater
Posted on: 2004-07-29 21:21

Are you sure this is from HTTPS, I think it's because of 对本地文件操作. Don't think you can surpass this.

5.Re:如何屏蔽HTTPS Warning对话框 [Re: breezehou] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: breezehou
Posted on: 2004-07-30 09:19

yeah, may be. I assign this bug to others

6.Re:如何屏蔽HTTPS Warning对话框 [Re: breezehou] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: cailuyu
Posted on: 2004-07-30 11:47

你可以用http试一下 就知道是https的问题 还是applet操作本地文件的问题(我看着好像还是https的问题)
如果是https产生的对话框 对话框也许是因为你的证书不备信任 需要自己创建根证书 然后加到ie信任的根证书里 当然server的证书也要再签一次名


Wish that can help you Big Smile

7.Re:如何屏蔽HTTPS Warning对话框 [Re: breezehou] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: breezehou
Posted on: 2004-07-30 12:53

Thanks, cailuyu!

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