Topic: 请教jtable里的字段标题怎样对齐

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1.请教jtable里的字段标题怎样对齐 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Raistlin
Posted on: 2004-07-09 22:49


2.Re:请教jtable里的字段标题怎样对齐 [Re: Raistlin] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: bujinwang
Posted on: 2004-07-20 03:13

使用以下的 renderer和合适的format 以及你喜欢的 allignment.

Make sure to set it on the coloms where it's required with something like this:

yourTable.setDefaultRenderer(Integer.class, new TableCellRendererSimple(integerFormat, JTextField.TRAILING))

Where integerFormat is for instance a DecimalFormat instance.

* TableCellRenderer.
* @author Rene Peters
* @version 1.0 15-dec-2003
public class TableCellRendererSimple extends DefaultTableCellRenderer {

Format format = null;

public TableCellRendererSimple(Format format, int allignment) {
this.format = format;

public void setValue(Object value) {
if (format == null) {
setText((value == null) ? "" : value.toString());
} else {
setText((value == null) ? "" : format.format(value));

Change the JTextField.TRAILING into LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER for your own requirement.

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